I recently gave a talk in our stake conference where I shared a personal story of a mistake I made in my pre-school years. The short version of the story... I saw a package of scoring pencils in a store and wanted the pencils. When my mother refused to buy them for me I decided to "cleverly" put the package in the waistband of my shorts and pull my T-Shirt down so that they could not be seen. We left that store and walked over to a grocery store. As I was walking up and down the aisle with my mom the pencils worked their way loose from the package and began dropping through my shorts and onto the floor. My mother made me pick up the pencils and we walked back to the store where I had taken them so that I could confess to the store owner.
My point in telling the story was that even even though I was too young (around 3 or 4 years old) to fully understand the seriousness of the mistake, I still remember the look my mother gave me and the difficulty in confessing the mistake to the store owner. (Moral: There is always a price to be paid... the easiest life is a sin-free life.)
Well... about two weeks later the stake began road show rehearsals. The YSA branch did a parody on that talk depicting the misadventures of "Prahn Rice." In the talk I mentioned that I suppose I wanted to keep the small pencils because they "fit in my chubby little fingers." Hence, the title of the roadshow... "Chubby Little Fingers"
So.... with Jarom Price starring as his repentant father "Prahn Rice"... we present "Chubby Little Fingers"
Classic... Do we know Prahn Rice? The name sounds a little familiar.
: )
Hi Uncle Rahn and Aunt Sue! I saw Marisa's blog from her IM and that led me to the rest of your families' blogs. It's been so fun to catch up with all of you through the web! Sure love you!!! --Jane (janey-lizzy.blogspot.com)
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